Iron County Summer Camp Programs

Iron County Summer Youth Camp

Camp Staff Training:

Date: TBD
Trails End Youth Camp, Bruce WI.

Iron County Summer Youth Camp

Date: Tuesday July 22 – Friday, July 25, 2025
Location: Trails End Youth Camp, Bruce WI.

Iron County Summer Youth Camp is an opportunity for youth in grades 3-5 from throughout Iron County to spend a week getting to know each other better, build stronger, and creating new friendships. It also creates opportunities for our eighth grade and high school students to step into leadership roles and serve as role models and mentors to the youth placed in their care. Parents trust us with planning a safe learning experience for their kids.

We take that seriously and work hard to create an experience that the kids will remember for a lifetime. We know this is an important program because year after year community members and organizations tell us through generous donations that allow us to offer this experience to youth at a low cost. Thanks again for your support this year. We couldn’t do it without you! We look forward building life long memories for our campers again in 2022. If you have any questions about enrolling your child in Iron County Summer Youth Camp, please call Neil Klemme at 715-561-2695.

Iron County Outpost Camp

Iron County Outpost Camp

Date: Tuesday July 8 – Friday, July 11, 2025
Location: Lake of the Falls Campground, Mercer, WI

Iron County Summer Outpost Camp allows area youth grades 6-8 to build on their leadership and teamwork skills. Last year, the campers spend a lot of their time biking, fishing, swimming. They also participated in a hike in the Porkies with local adventure tour guide, Todd Maki (Fox Hill Adventures). The campers build stronger friendships through physical challenges and a rustic camping experience. Outpost Camp is a great opportunity for community youth to gain independence. Plans for the upcoming 2022 Outpost Camp are underway! If you have any questions, please contact Neil Klemme at 715-561-2695 or

2025 Iron County Summer Youth Camp Donors

Angelo Luppino, Inc., Anonymous Donor, Binz Bros, Inc., Chippewa Valley Bank, Laura & Mark Fedora, Henry & Norene Gilbertson, Hurley Lions Club, Iron County 4-H Leaders Association, Iron County Community Credit Union, Iron County Forestry Department, Iron Nugget, J&J Excavation Services, Kiwani’s Club, Klassic Kruisers Car Club, Knights of Columbus #1396, Makela, Pollack & Ahonen, PLLC, Clara & Bruce Maki, Mercer Lions Club, Paul & Joyce Mullard, Northwoods Business & Professional Women, Ofstad Sales & Service, Quality Collision, Stormy Kromer, Wes Nasi Construction, White Thunder Riders, Zak’s Realty, Inc. (updated 2/25/25)

**We will add to this list as donations come in through out the year. THANK YOU to all of the individuals and businesses that continue to support our programs each year.




If you would like to learn more about the Iron County 4-H Youth Development program, please contact:

Neil Klemme
4-H Youth Development Educator
Extension Iron County
300 Taconite Street, Suite 118
Hurley, WI 54534
Phone: 715-561-2695


Support Extension