Iron County 4-H Sewing Project Meetings

Iron County 4-H is excited to offer new project meetings to all enrolled Iron County 4-H youth participants!  Everybody has a skill, a talent, an interest, or a special quality that they are passionate about. We call these things SPARKS. They provide joy, purpose, and direction. These specialized meetings will help youth explore topics or SPARKS they are interested in, with experienced Leaders who are exited to share their expertise.

Iron County 4-H Woodworking Project Meetings at Saint Mauds

Iron County 4-H is excited to offer new project meetings to all enrolled Iron County 4-H youth participants!  Everybody has a skill, a talent, an interest, or a special quality that they are passionate about. We call these things SPARKS. They provide joy, purpose, and direction. These specialized meetings will help youth explore topics or SPARKS they are interested in, with experienced Leaders who are exited to share their expertise.

Iron County 4-H Babysitter Training

Ready to learn the ins and outs of what it takes to become a babysitter? Participating in the upcoming Iron County 4-H babysitter will teach future babysitters about: Food PreparationCPR and First AidStaying Safe When Home AloneThe Business of BabysittingRecord Keeping And MUCH MORE! Pre-registration required by clicking the button below. If you have any […]

Iron County 4-H Welcomes Summer Assistant

Gavin Ransanici Joins Extension Team for the Second Time! After a long search, we have finally found someone to fill our summer assistant position! Gavin Ransanici, who recently graduated from North Michigan University, is stepping role for the second time. 4-H Youth Development Educator, Neil Klemme hopes Gavin has better time this year, since the […]

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