Duet Wheelchair Bike Reservations

Reservation Details

If you are a business, group or organization interested in reserving the duet bike, please contact Western Upper Peninsula Health Department Community Health Worker, Amy Nosal at 906-281-5935 (call/text) or anosal@wuphd.org.

Duet Wheelchair Bike reservations are done on a first come, first served basis. The Duet Wheelchair Bike is available to individuals, businesses, groups and organizations in Iron and Gogebic Counties.

The Western Upper Peninsula Health Department (WUPHD) and Michigan Western Gateway Trail Authority (MWGTA), in partnership with Extension Iron County, are offering to train businesses, groups and organizations interested in reserving the duet wheelchair bicycle (duet bike), an electric pedal assist tandem bicycle.  

The duet bike’s trailer is parked along the Iron Belle Trail in Bessemer next to the City Hall, providing opportunities to venture east to Ramsey or west to Ironwood. Users will be greeted by Duet Bike Contact who will unlock the trailer and provide the charged bike battery and conduct a tire inflation check.

alt=Duet Bike with rider and biker

Successfully completion of a half-hour training by two group members is required. The duet bike is relatively simple to use after users become familiar with how to get on and off the bike, navigate wide-angle turns, and utilize electric assist gauges.  

For WUPHD partners, the duet bike program serves as an opportunity to share with the community about other relevant programs they provide like Children’s Special Health Care Services which strives to enable individuals with special health care needs to have improved health outcomes and an enhanced quality of life.  Interested duet bike users can request a CSHCS information packet which are available inside the duet bike trailer.

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