Food Preservation Resources

UW-Madison Division of Extension Safe & Healthy Food Resources

Feel free to visit the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Safe & Healthy Food for Your Family website for all things related to food preservation. Or, if you already know what you are searching for, feel free to click on the quick links below for more information:


National Center for Home Food Preservation

Another great food preservation resource is the National Center for Home Food Preservation website. If there is research to support safe home food preservation, you will find it there!

Pressure Canning Dial Gauge Testing

Did you know that you should test your pressure dial gauge every year, prior to the canning season? In addition to having your pressure dial gauge checked for accuracy, it should also be checked if any of the following conditions exist: cover has been submerged in water or dropped, gauge lens is broken or has fallen out, parts are rusty, pointer is not on “0”, or for any reason you believe the gauge may not be accurate.

If you would like to have your dial gauge tested, there is no cost for the testing. You will only have to pay the cost of shipping. Presto will return the gauge in a timely manner via FedEx, free of charge. Be sure to pack the gauge well in bubble wrap or newspaper and include your name, address (no PO Box, as FedEx only delivers to numbered addresses), and phone number on a piece of paper inside the box. Mail to:

National Presto Industries
Attention: Gauge Testing
3925 N. Hastings Way
Eau Claire, WI 54703

Be sure to get a tracking number, as Presto is not responsible for lost or broken gauges. National Presto Industries is available with any questions you may have by calling: 715-839-2121 or 800-877-0441.Visit the links below for more information about testing pressure canner gauges and care and maintenance tips.

Pressure Testing Dial Pressure Canner Gauges
Pressure Canning Care & Maintenance

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