Iron County 4-H Project Meetings
Iron County 4-H is excited to offer another round of project meetings to all enrolled Iron County 4-H youth participants! Everybody has a skill, a talent, an interest, or a special quality that they are passionate about. We call these things SPARKS. They provide joy, purpose, and direction. These specialized meetings will help youth explore topics or SPARKS they are interested in, with experienced Leaders who are exited to share their expertise.
Your 4-H’er will have the opportunity to participate in project meetings centered around Photography, Foods & Nutrition, Pyrography (woodburning), Horse & Pony, Cloverbuds, and Woodworking! Click the drop down boxes below for more information.
Project meetings are open to enrolled Iron County 4-H members who participate in the following charted clubs: Penokee Range Livestock Club, Iron County Green Team, Adventurers of the North 4-H Club. If your child isn’t currently enrolled in 4-H but would like to learn more about joining, visit our Join Iron County 4-H page for more information or feel free to contact 4-H Youth Development Educator, Neil Klemme at or call 715-561-2695.
The Iron County 4-H is always looking for adult leaders who would like to lead youth in new project meetings! If you are interested, contact Neil Klemme.
When: Sunday, November 5th (future dates will be determined after the 1st meeting)
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Ages: youth grades 7-12
Location: Harma home, with locations changing each month
Registration limit: 5 participants
Program Description: Participants will learn the basics of photography and composition of photographs. Must have a smartphone or camera to participate. Please be sure to add the “Photography” project to your 4HOnline member profile.
If you can’t access the Google registration form, feel free to call Extension Iron County Office Manager, Rebecca Holm at 715-561-2695 to complete registration over the phone.
Foods & Nutrition
When: Wednesday, December 6 (project meetings will continue on the 1st Wednesday of every month)
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Ages: Youth grades 5-12
Location: Hurley School (use student parking entrance)
Registration limit: 12 participants
Program Description: Participants will learn basic kitchen skills and information of making healthy food choices. Throughout the year, participants will prepare breads, entrees, deserts, and snacks. Please be sure to add the “Foods & Nutrition” project to your 4HOnline member profile.
If you can’t access the Google registration form, feel free to call Extension Iron County Office Manager, Rebecca Holm at 715-561-2695 to complete registration over the phone.
When: New students age 5 and up will meet Wednesdays at 5:30 pm (start date, 10/11/23)
Returning students will meet on Saturdays at noon (start date, 10/14/23)
Where: Saint Mauds
Registration limit: Wednesday (6 participants ages 5 and up), Saturday (6 participants, grades 6-12)
Description: During each session, youth participants will use their hands, tools and materials to complete a model that is suited to their skill level. As students start and finish models, they will progress to making more complicated projects that will continue their development of both skills and character.
New students will be following the Slöyd curriculum (an educational model from Scandinavia that utilizes hand tools and a set of models that teach the foundational skills of woodworking). Please be sure to add the “Woodworking” project to your 4HOnline member profile. Members in grades K-2 will add “Cloverbuds.”
Returning students will be working on more advanced Slöyd models as well as a few public service projects. Returning students will also have the opportunity for a long-form project of their own design that can be worked on through-out the entire year. Please be sure to add the “Woodworking” project to your 4HOnline member profile.
If you can’t access the Google registration form, feel free to call Extension Iron County Office Manager, Rebecca Holm at 715-561-2695 to complete registration over the phone.
When: Saturday, November 11 (future dates will be determined after the 1st meeting)
Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Ages: Youth grades 5-12
Location: Iron County Courthouse
Registration limit: 6
Program Description: Youth participants will learn the art of pyrography (woodburning)! Participants will work on a variety of projects including, plaques, jewelry boxes, canvas bags, earrings, and more! Please be sure to add the “Wood Burning” project to your 4HOnline member profile.
If you can’t access the Google registration form, feel free to call Extension Iron County Office Manager, Rebecca Holm at 715-561-2695 to complete registration over the phone.
Horse & Pony
When: Saturday, October 21 (with project meetings to continue the 3rd Saturday of every month)
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Ages: youth grades 5-12
Location: TBD
Registration limit: 10 participants
Youth participants will learn basic equine care including grooming, feeding, health care, safe handling, maintaining a clean environment, and riding skills.
Please be sure to add the “Horse & Pony” project to your 4HOnline member profile.
If you can’t access the Google registration form, feel free to call Extension Iron County Office Manager, Rebecca Holm at 715-561-2695 to complete registration over the phone.
When: Monday, November 27 (with project meetings to continue the 3rd Monday of every month after the first session)
Time: 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Ages: youth grades 5-12
Location: Iron County Courthouse Main Meeting Room
Registration limit: 10 participants
Participants will learn to sew by machine, sew by hand, use sewing tools and patterns, and learn about fabrics. Beginning sewists will select and complete one or two simple projects such as a pillow, pillow case, bag or hat. More advanced sewists will complete a clothing or craft project of their choice. Fabric and thread will be provided for basic projects and sewing machines are available. Sewists can bring their own machine if they prefer.
Please be sure to add the “Sewing” project to your 4HOnline member profile.
If you can’t access the Google registration form, feel free to call Extension Iron County Office Manager, Rebecca Holm at 715-561-2695 to complete registration over the phone.
When: Wednesday, December 13th (with project meetings to continue the 2nd Wednesday of every month)
Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm (youth leaders need to arrive by 5 pm for set up)
Ages: youth grades K-2
Location: Iron County Courthouse
Registration limit: No limit
Meetings are open to Iron County youth, grades K-2 and will service as an introduction to the world of 4-H. Youth will participate in age appropriate, fun and engaging activities centered around:
Please be sure to add the “Cloverbuds” project to your 4HOnline member profile.
If you can’t access the Google registration form, feel free to call Extension Iron County Office Manager, Rebecca Holm at 715-561-2695 to complete registration over the phone.
We will be sharing details about the Horse and Pony and Sewing project meetings in coming weeks!
If you would like to learn more about the Iron County 4-H Youth Development program, please contact:
Neil Klemme
4-H Youth Development Educator
Extension Iron County
300 Taconite Street, Suite 118
Hurley, WI 54534
Phone: 715-561-2695