4-H & Youth

4-H & Youth

4-H is a non-profit youth development organization delivered by Extension offices across the United States. Youth complete hands-on projects in areas such as health, science, agriculture, arts, and civic engagement guided by adult mentors. Youth are encouraged to take on leadership roles, developing self confidence and communication skills. 4-H gives youth the opportunity to explore and purse their passions.

Iron County 4-H and Youth Development offers many activities and programs year round. Youth have the option to participate at the club, county, state and national level. Check out more information below!

Iron County 4-H Brochure

Click here to view our informational brochure, which shares details about the Iron County 4-H program!


Iron County 4-H Social Media Pages

To stay up to date on all things 4-H, be sure to follow our social media pages!
Iron County 4-H Facebook
SISU Endurance Team Facebook
Iron County 4-H Instagram

Related Links of Interest

Related Links of Interest




If you would like to learn more about the Iron County 4-H Youth Development program, please contact:

Neil Klemme
4-H Youth Development Educator
Extension Iron County
300 Taconite Street, Suite 118
Hurley, WI 54534
Phone: 715-561-2695


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