Northwoods Yard & Garden Column

Northwoods Yard & Garden Column

Interested in learning more about Horticulture in Iron County?

Check out Extension Iron County Horticulture Educator, Bruce Spangenberg’s weekly column, Northwoods Yard & Garden!

The Northwoods Yard & Garden Column will include a variety of horticulture related topics on a weekly basis, and we encourage anyone wanting to learn more to tune in. The column will be shared to this page Mondays.

Bruce is available at the Extension office on Mondays and Thursdays, from 7:30 am – 4:30 pm and welcomes the public to stop by with diagnostic questions, soil samples, and any other horticulture related questions. You can also call or email Bruce with questions (see contact information at the bottom of this page).

Follow the PDF linked below to view this week’s column, What House Plants Try to Tell You!

10/7/2024 – Fall Lawn Care & Winter Prep

Newsletter Archive

Lawns & Gardens

Trees & Shrubs

Insects & Other Pests



If you would like to learn more about Horticulture news and resources, please contact:

Bruce Spangenberg
Horticulture Educator
Extension Iron County
300 Taconite Street, Suite 118
Hurley, WI 54534
Phone: 715-561-2695


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